Section 1: Kilrush to Kilkee
Clare County Council is currently progressing Section 1 of the West Clare Railway Greenway between the towns of Kilrush and Kilkee. Public Consultation 3 is being held from the 15th of March 2024 to the 12th of April 2024.
The project is currently progressing through Phase 2 Options Selection, which involves the assessment of Route Corridor Options to determine a Preferred Route Corridor Option. A third non-statutory public consultation is now being held to inform the public of the option selection process and to invite feedback on the Emerging Preferred Route Corridor. Following this public consultation, the Phase 2 Options Selection process will conclude with the identification of the Preferred Route Corridor.
The Code of Best Practice for Greenways and information on the Greenway Sustainability Payment is provided on the FAQs page.